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The GDFC will promote development of deprived and poor areas of the GaDangme region in Ghana by:

  • Organizing fund raising activities from the public and donations from members, for school materials and supplies to non-profit schools.
  • Obtaining donations from corporate and public sponsorships for the purchase of Hospital equipment and supplies for donation to non-profit hospitals and clinics in Ghana
  • Soliciting from the general public and corporations, funds to assist in providing public amenities like potable water in needy areas of the community.
  • Accepting relief materials from both for-profit and non-profit institutions and donating such items in times of natural or unnatural disasters

These proposals are based on the premise that the GDFC will aggressively pursue funding, economic and technical assistance from above sources, in order to render assistance to the GaDangme region of Ghana . Some of the projects envisaged are:



    The GDFC as a NGO will craft a health care program for the most needy areas of the GaDangme region, especially in the rural areas and the urban peripheries, where equipment and physicians are unevenly distributed as it is throughout the country as a whole.

    The GDFC shall:

    Set up: Medium sized clinics of at least two (2) part time physicians and five (5) full time nurses and ancillary staff in strategic areas of the region. Or provide assistance to existing private, Ga Dangme owned clinics in a partnership arrangement.

    Install medical equipment in said clinics, ranging from reasonably equipped examining rooms to microscopes and point of care (POC) instruments.

    Clinics are to be dedicated to the screening and treatment of  HIV/AIDS, MALARIA, TUBERCULOSIS, DIABETES, PRENATAL CARE and VACCINATIONS for children. Clinics shall be affiliated with the Korlebu teaching hospital / Ghana Medical school.

    GDFC shall:

    Devise: Programs that will train personnel and educate communities about preventive medicine and encourage students to volunteer their services at health care centers.

    Work: Jointly with existing NGO’s and other community-based organizations in the GaDangme region such as the “La Mansaamo Kpee” (Founder, Mr. T.K. Ollenu), which mobilize both domestic and external technical and financial resources, to improve the community’s health care. Joint program development would strengthen the NGO’s capabilities.

    Provide: Mobile clinics equipped with examining rooms, X-ray and Laboratory equipment and a pharmacy for remote rural areas.

    GDI should:

    Solicit: Funding from Corporations, Charitable organizations and Individuals.

    Aggressively: Pursue technical assistance such as medical equipment from manufacturers, vendors and hospitals, as well as Drugs from pharmaceutical companies.

Technical Education (Vocational School)

An institution that would cater for at least fifty (50) students initially and be dedicated to:

  • Carpentry
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical Services
  • Masonry
  • Auto Repair
  • Refrigeration
  • Small-scale Agriculture

School to be affiliated with the Polytechnic educational system of Ghana .

Computer Training Program / School

The proposed provisions will cover such functional areas as:

  • Proficiency in hardware platforms.
  • Hardware support with PENTIUM 2-4 equipment and between 3-4 set –ups initially.
  • Learning business software e.g Windows XP/2003, Linux, Microsoft Office, etc.
  • Learning of data entry, databases, software development, etc.
  • Proficiency on the Internet, Web-browsers, E-mail, etc.
Availability of technical assistance/consultancy from the GDFC

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